Wed, 24 December 2014
This super-short podcast is my first multi-guess-cast and features three extremely talented up-and-coming hip-hop artists, Cohen Robinson, Patrick Watkins, & The Trufe! Cohen and The Trufe (a.k.a., Myles Robinson) are brothers; but, they have been friends with Patrick since they were kids. So, they consider themselves all brothers. Whether working together on their group or doing their own individual projects, Cohen, Patrick, and The Trufe always support each other—and tonight was just another example. Cohen Robinson had one a singing contest that gave him the opportunity to open for the Vanilla Ice Block Party, and Patrick and The Trufe collaborated with him on the performance. This podcast was recorded backstage right after their set, where it was crazy loud, energetic, and surreal. What an honor to be able to speak with and get to know a little bit about these guys after such an awesome moment in their lives! Enjoy! Music Bed courtesy of DJ John Hitta!!!
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